TRICARE Rehab Centers

Get Rehab Covered with TRICARE at Ingrained Recovery

Attending a TRICARE rehab center is perhaps the best way to confront challenges with drug or alcohol addiction. Millions of people face substance abuse issues across the country and facilities like Ingrained Recovery offer a path to move past these struggles and hope for the future.

While the focus will be on overcoming addiction to drugs or alcohol during your treatment, the financial side of entering rehab cannot be ignored. Through the use of insurance, the financial burden can be lessened dramatically – or even eliminated – so you can focus fully on what you need to do to get healthy.

For those with TRICARE insurance, there are many options available to get covered treatment at a licensed facility. The article below will answer many questions you may have about how you can use your TRICARE insurance policy to enter rehab as soon as possible.

If you are ready to get started now, simply give us a call at Ingrained Recovery to work directly with an admissions coordinator to discuss your needs. It would be our pleasure to serve you.

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TRICARE Rehab Treatment Cost Coverage

What is TRICARE?

TRICARE is a healthcare program designed to provide medical coverage for members of the United States military. This program is managed by the Department of Defense and it is the primary path through which service members and their families have access to healthcare services. TRICARE is available to both active-duty service members as well as retirees, along with their respective families.

Within the TRICARE program, there are a number of different plan levels. Those include TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, and TRICARE For Life. There is also an overseas program that helps service members and their families get the care they need even when based outside of the United States.

The uniformed services within the military are generally eligible for TRICARE coverage. That includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force, and National Guard. There are varied eligibility requirements for other military personnel and their families, but don’t let confusion stand in the way of getting the help you need.

Call us today and we will help you navigate the details of your coverage and the admissions process and ensure that you get the high-quality behavioral healthcare you and your loved ones deserve.

Addiction and Mental Health in the Armed Forces

Members of the armed forces are not immune to the challenges of addiction. In fact, some of the realities of serving in the armed forces may make service members even more likely than the general public to deal with addictions to drugs or alcohol.

First and foremost, the potential traumas that can come along with serving often lead to substance abuse and mental health issues. For example, losing a friend or friends in a war, or even witnessing the deaths of others in combat is an extremely traumatic, difficult experience. It’s not uncommon for such events to lead to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism, and that can turn into an addiction.

Other potential complications from serving in the armed forces include being away from friends and family for extended periods, dealing with chronic pain from the physical nature of the job, and frequently having to relocate around the country or globe. Whatever the specific hurdles that are faced by a given service member may be, there is always the possibility that addiction will be the end result.

Fortunately, help is available to confront these challenges in a positive, productive manner. By using TRICARE coverage for behavioral health services at Ingrained Recovery, the path to healing can start today.

Addiction & Mental Health Struggles for Loved Ones

It is often said that the loved ones of service members are also serving themselves, and that is certainly true enough. By having to deal with having a parent or partner away for long stretches, constantly worrying about their well-being, and moving from place to place, being a part of an armed forced family can be challenging.

Those challenges can also lead to loved ones facing significant challenges in life. Those challenges might lead to outcomes such as substance use, depression, anxiety, and more. Facing these difficulties alone can be overwhelming. It’s important for the loved ones of service members to get the support they need immediately to receive the treatment needed to confront these challenges and overcome them successfully.

Seeking Help for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

One of the hardest parts of the rehab process for those facing addiction is simply admitting that help is required and taking the first step to reach out for support. Many people try to fight through this situation on their own, but it’s an incredibly steep mountain to climb on your own. It’s hard to seek help, and you may have concerns about being judged for the situation that you are in.

As a member of the military, you may take pride in your ability to work independently, overcome obstacles, and deal with hardships successfully. For that reason, it may be hard for you or a loved one to reach out for help with a substance abuse issue. Don’t let personal pride stand in the way of receiving the treatment you need, however. There is no weakness in getting help. In fact, there is great strength in acknowledging the need for assistance and getting that assistance right away.

At Ingrained Recovery, we are supportive of everyone who contacts our facility for help, and we take pride in assisting those dealing with various types of addictions. Also, as an approved TRICARE provider, you can turn to us knowing that the financial side of drug rehab is already handled, and you can focus solely on getting better.

Seeking Help for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Who is Covered Under TRICARE for Addiction Treatment?

Many groups of individuals are eligible for TRICARE coverage. Those groups include –

  • Active duty service members and families. All service members and their families – including spouses and children – are eligible for coverage under TRICARE.
  • National Guard and Reserve members and families. Many National Guard and Reserve members, along with their families, are eligible for a TRICARE plan.
  • Retired service members and families. Those who have retired from the service are eligible for individual and family coverage through various TRICARE options.
  • Retired Reserve members and families. In some cases, retired Reserve members are eligible for TRICARE coverage along with their family.
  • Survivors. Family members of a sponsor who has passed are still eligible for TRICARE. The specifics of that coverage will depend on a number of factors, such as whether the survivor is a spouse or child, and the military status of the sponsor when they pass.
  • Children. The children of qualified individuals are eligible for coverage up to age 21, or to age 23 if enrolled in college.
  • Former spouses. As long as the individual remains unmarried, and other eligibility requirements are met, former military spouses are eligible for TRICARE.

Does TRICARE Cover Alcohol Rehab?

Yes, TRICARE covers alcohol rehab. Alcohol addiction is extremely common across the country, both with service members and with the general public. Research has shown that more than a third of military members engage in binge drinking, and nearly 10% of the military drinks heavily.

By reaching out to Ingrained Recovery to get started on a completed alcohol treatment program, you will be taking a meaningful step that can positively impact the rest of your life. And, as alcohol treatment programs are covered under TRICARE, you can expect to pay very little – if anything – out-of-pocket for your care.

Does TRICARE Cover Detox?

Yes, for most substances, TRICARE will cover the cost of detox. Some of the substances that may be covered for detox include –

  • Opioids (OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, fentanyl, heroin and others)
  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, and others)
  • Amphetamines (Meth, Speed, Adderall)
  • Cocaine & Crack Cocaine

The detox process tackles the physical aspects of substance abuse. Whatever substance or substances are being used will be removed from the body during this time, as you are medically supervised and kept safe from start to finish. Withdrawals will be addressed before they start to keep you comfortable along the way.

Does TRICARE Cover Mental Health Treatment?

Yes, mental health treatment is covered under TRICARE. In fact, there is a deep connection between mental health and addictions to drugs and alcohol, so these two issues are often treated at once as a dual diagnosis. And in many cases, TRICARE covers dual diagnosis treatment as well.

Given the many challenges of serving in the military, or having a loved one who serves in the military, mental and behavioral health issues are commonly faced by people in this situation. Some of the many mental health issues that can be treated along with addiction at Ingrained Recovery include the following –

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Personality Disorder
  • Schizophrenia

TRICARE Addiction Treatment Services

TRICARE Rehab Centers - Outpatient Treatment

Various levels of addiction treatment services are offered to meet the individual at their specific point in the recovery journey. By picking the right level of care (as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA) for the situation at hand, a positive outcome is far more likely.

  • Inpatient treatment: For most, this is where the journey begins. Inpatient treatment includes the two steps listed below and creates a solid foundation on which long-term recovery and lasting health can be built.
  • Detox. A successful detox from drugs or alcohol will prepare the body for the next steps in the recovery process. When going through detox at Ingrained Recovery, all individuals are monitored around the clock to ensure comfort and safety, and medication can be used to address withdrawals before they occur.
  • Residential Treatment. With detoxed completed, the recovery process can shift to residential treatment. In this phase, close attention is paid to the mental aspects of recovery. Individuals in our care will learn the root causes of their substance use disorder, and what triggers are perpetuating this pattern. Coping mechanisms that are healthy and don’t involve drugs or alcohol will be developed at this time to move the individual away from addiction and toward a healthier future.
  • Outpatient Treatment: Likewise, there are varied outpatient rehab and treatment options that provide care to the individual while they live elsewhere and work on getting their life on track. Some of the outpatient treatments that can be used in the rehab process are listed below –
  • PHP. Partial Hospitalization Programs are an outpatient treatment that takes place throughout the day while individuals return home at night. This form of treatment can be used as a transition step from inpatient care and it is where you start to practice what was learned during the residential phase.
  • IOP. Intensive Outpatient Programs are those that involve several sessions per week of intensive therapy, while the individual lives and hope and starts to re-integrate back into the rhythms of day-to-day life.
  • OP. A general Outpatient Program will be tailored to the needs of each individual, providing therapy sessions and other treatments that support ongoing recovery while interrupting regular life as minimally as possible.
  • MAT. For some individuals, Medication-Assisted Treatment is going to be the best approach to battle a substance abuse disorder. In this case, medication is paired with behavioral therapies and counseling to seek the best possible outcome.

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Equine Therapy - Addiction Treatment Options Covered by TRICARE

Does TRICARE Cover Inpatient Rehab Treatment?

Inpatient treatment is covered by TRICARE. The early stages of addiction treatment are often confronted with inpatient care, as this allows for focused and intensive treatment that can set the stage for more progress to be made later when the transition to outpatient care is made.

Inpatient care frequently starts with a detox phase and then moves to residential programs that deliver a sanctuary for those who need the time and space necessary to confront addiction and come out on the other side successfully. Ingrained Recovery offers the opportunity to individuals to overcome addiction thanks to our tranquil setting, the guidance of experienced professionals, and a dedication to customized treatment plans.

Does TRICARE Cover Outpatient Treatment?

Outpatient treatment provided as part of your rehab journey is covered by TRICARE. Typically, outpatient care will be offered to continue to build on the progress that has been made during the inpatient rehab phase of the process. By continuing to receive care even after leaving residential treatment, individuals will have a much better opportunity to remain free of addiction issues moving forward.

When you reach out to Ingrained Recovery to discuss our treatment options, you will have access to all levels of care that are covered by TRICARE. We take pride in our attention to detail with regard to building a program that is designed for long-term success. It’s great to go through a detox phase and residential treatment, but inpatient care is only going to be meaningful if it is maintained as you transition back to normal life.

Among the outpatient treatments offered by Ingrained Recovery and covered by TRICARE includes a Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, Outpatient Program, and Medication-Assisted Treatment.

Different Addiction Treatment Options Covered by TRICARE

There are many different treatment options now used to address addiction struggles. One of the great things about working with Ingrained Recovery in this process is that we have many different modalities available to us – meaning we can assign the relevant treatment approach to each individual for optimal results.

Treatment options that are covered by TRICARE and that can be found at Ingrained Recovery are listed below for you to review. If you have any questions about these treatments and how they can help the drug or alcohol addiction you are facing, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

  • DBT. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is designed to address the regulation of emotions and create the coping mechanisms needed to deal with addiction.
  • CBT. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can modify unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors, and is often successful in correcting substance abuse as a result.
  • EMDR. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing addresses underlying traumas that are leading to addiction, making it particularly useful for the military community.
  • EBT. Emotion-Based Therapy aims to help individuals better process emotions and draw a connection between their emotions and the substance abuse issues being faced.
  • REBT. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy points out irrational beliefs and confronts them to untangle the web that might be leading to addiction struggles.
  • Equine Therapy. Interactions with horses can help an individual with emotional growth along with building trust, two things that can help significantly in the face of an addiction. For a service member who may be dealing with PTSD, for example, forming a bond with horses can be a powerful opportunity for growth and healing.
  • Adventure Therapy. Few individuals understand adventure quite like members of the military. Facing an adventure successfully builds self-confidence and requires teamwork and coping skills. These growths are often helpful in undoing addiction and setting life on a new path.
  • Group Therapy. Military members are quite familiar with the concept of working together toward a common goal. Sharing the addiction recovery path with others helps to build meaningful social connections and build a sense of community.
  • One-on-One Therapy. Often, one-on-one therapy is where the breakthrough can occur for individuals who need to overcome a mental health issue that is at the root of their addiction. Working directly with a highly trained and experienced therapist can open up insights that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.
  • 12-Step Friendly Therapy. Given the proven success of 12-step programs, this kind of therapy is popular in rehab settings.
  • Faith-Based Therapy. Anyone who wants to connect their recovery to a higher power and sense of healing and growth may be open to faith-based therapy.
  • Couples Therapy. Addiction often affects couples together, so couples therapy can help the partners in a relationship understand their dynamics and how to make progress. If a military couple has dealt with extended time apart or health issues related to service such as PTSD, couples therapy can address those challenges and develop effective solutions.
  • Family Therapy. Everyone in the family is affected by addiction, so working together with the whole family and providing support for the individual struggling with addiction is a meaningful strategy. For military families that deal with the stress of long periods of separation and the risks of the job, this can be particularly beneficial.

How Much of the Cost of Treatment Will Be Covered by TRICARE?

As much as 100% of the cost of treatment will be covered by TRICARE. There are a few variables that will factor into what is covered by TRICARE, such as the length of your stay, the treatments that are required in your case, and the details of your policy.

Don’t hesitate to get started in rehab with Ingrained Recovery because of questions about your insurance coverage. When you get in touch with our friendly and supportive team, we will look into what your TRICARE policy covers and break down the costs in detail so you understand exactly what it will look like before you begin treatment. We want you to be healthy, and that is always our primary focus. Contact us so we can work through the financial side of treatment to explore the various options and create a plan that will work for you.

What to Do if TRICARE Does Not Cover All My Treatment Needs?

If your TRICARE coverage does not cover the entire cost of your treatment, it should cover the vast majority of the charges. We will work together with you to figure out how the remaining out-of-pocket component of your costs can be managed. There are always options available and we’ll do our best to develop a plan that properly supports your mental and physical help while aligning with your financial needs.

The most important thing is that you reach out to us right away to learn more. If nothing else, we’ll provide you with valuable information that can be used to make key decisions about pursuing help and getting healthy.

How Can I Check My TRICARE Coverage for Rehab?

Reach Out to Check TRICARE Coverage for Rehab

The easiest way to check your TRICARE insurance coverage for rehab is to reach out to us directly for assistance. This is a quick and easy process, usually taking just a few minutes to complete. We can do it over the phone and our team will provide detailed information about your coverage and what the financial picture would look like when attending rehab at Ingrained Recovery. If you have an active TRICARE policy, you are almost certainly covered, but reach out today to learn the details and get started.

What is the Difference Between In-Network and Out-of-Network Coverage

In-network providers are those who have an existing agreement with an insurance company, while out-of-network providers do not have such an agreement. What this means for you as a policyholder is that you will generally pay less out of pocket – or nothing at all out of pocket – if you opt for an in-network provider.

That’s not to say that an out-of-network treatment provider will not be covered at all, but you may find that the covered portion of your bill is smaller. When searching for a rehab treatment center to receive care for a drug or alcohol addiction, make sure you have your insurance verified upfront – as we do at Ingrained Recovery – so you know exactly what the financial situation will be before getting started.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By TRICARE

TRICARE Insurance Plans That Cover Detox & Rehab

There are a variety of insurance plans offered by TRICARE. Your coverage for detox & rehab will depend in part on what type of health insurance policy you hold. Some basics about each level are provided below, but our admissions coordinators can give you detailed information about your detox and rehab coverage if you call us directly.

  • TRICARE Prime. A managed care option that includes comprehensive coverage and access to a network of military and civilian healthcare providers.
  • TRICARE Prime Remote. As the name suggests, this version of TRICARE Prime is designed to serve those who are in remote locations around the globe.
  • TRICARE Standard and Extra. With Standard, policyholders can choose their healthcare providers in a fee-for-service arrangement. With Extra, discounted rates are available.
  • TRICARE Standard Overseas. Again here, this is the variation of the above policy that is meant for those serving overseas.
  • TRICARE for Life. Retired military members and their families who are eligible for Medicare may also be eligible for a TRICARE for Life plan.
  • TRICARE Select. This policy is self-managed, allowing the holder to pick from any authorized provider with no referral needed.
  • TRICARE Retired Reserve. Any retired reserves member under age 60 can choose to sign up for a Retired Reserve plan.
  • TRICARE Young Adult. This coverage is designed to accommodate dependents of military members during their age 21-26 years.
  • US Family Health Plan. Designated providers can offer this plan that mimics what is provided by TRICARE Prime.
  • TRICARE Humana Military. East region members of TRICARE may have their policy serviced by insurance provider Humana.
  • TRICARE East. This is the managed care policy option for military members who serve in the eastern half of the United States.
  • TRICARE West. Those serving in the western half of the United States will have access to coverage through TRICARE West.

Regardless of what policy you hold, you’ll have options available for addiction and mental health treatment. Don’t let confusion about the specifics of your policy hold you back from getting healthy – reach out today and our team will guide you step-by-step through this important process.

Where Can I Get TRICARE Coverage for Rehab?

Finding TRICARE Coverage for Rehab

If you are eligible for TRICARE coverage, as is the case for active-duty service members and their families, there are a few options available to sign up for coverage. Likely the fastest and easiest method to secure coverage is to visit the TRICARE website. Alternatively, you should be able to fill out the relevant forms in person at a hospital or clinic operated by the military, as well as through the Defense Health Agency website itself.

Should you need assistance with this first step, don’t hesitate to contact us and we can walk you through the process. We specialize in helping people just like you get the help they need to move forward with rehab. Instead of making countless calls for hours on end to get the answers you need, just call Ingrained Recovery today and we’ll be proud to serve you.

How to Find a TRICARE Approved Rehab and Detox Center

You don’t need to look any further for a TRICARE-approved rehab and detox facility, because you have already found one! Ingrained Recovery is an approved TRICARE provider and we are ready to get started right away helping you successfully face an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Don’t waste any more time looking around for alcohol and substance abuse treatment options when you’ve already landed on a trusted and proven facility that accepts your insurance and would be proud to serve you.

How Do I Enroll in a TRICARE Rehab?

Enrolling is easy when you choose Ingrained Recovery for rehab. The process is easy –

  1. Give us a call to speak directly with one of our friendly admissions representatives
  2. Verify your TRICARE coverage for rehab quickly and over the phone
  3. Start your treatment immediately, potentially on the same day that you reach out for help

Do I Need a Referral to Start Treatment?

No, you do not need a referral to get started with Ingrained Recovery. If you think that our facility would be a good fit for your needs, or if you simply have a few questions you would like to have answered, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our experienced and friendly team will be happy to speak with you and explain the process for moving forward.

Our Approach to Addiction Treatment

Residential Equine Therapy - Approach to Addiction Treatment

Ingrained Recovery is a facility that operates on a case-by-case basis, delivering treatments that match the needs of each individual who visits our facility. We want you to feel comfortable from the start, as this difficult process can be made easier by working with the right professionals in the right setting.

If your recovery needs to start with a detox process, we will help you through that initial phase while under the supervision of licensed medical professionals. From there, you can move into any of several different treatment and therapy options, based on your needs and preferences. We offer residential equine therapy, and many other possibilities. The goal is simple – to set you up for an addiction-free future that allows you to get back to the things you value most in life.

Why Choose Ingrained Recovery for Your Recovery Needs?

The power of Ingrained Recovery is found in the customized approach we deliver to each individual. You won’t be just another patient when you come to see us for treatment – we take into consideration all of the details of your journey to create a unique treatment plan that is ideal for your needs.

As a licensed and certified facility, you can be sure that our highly trained and experienced staff is up to the challenge of delivering world-class care in a comfortable and welcoming setting. Found on a beautiful 50-acre rehab ranch, our location provides the peace and tranquility needed to focus only on recovery.

Discover Support at Ingrained Using TRICARE Insurance Now

TRICARE Rehab: Get Started at Ingrained Recovery Today

Getting started with rehab using your TRICARE coverage is as easy as calling Ingrained Recovery for more information. You can start the process immediately by speaking over the phone with one of our admissions coordinators.

What you can expect to find – both on the phone and when you arrive in person – is a caring and welcoming environment that understands your situation and wants to help you succeed.

Don’t wait any longer to make this life-changing phone call. The path to healing starts at Ingrained Recovery and we can’t wait to serve you.