Fentanyl Treatment in Georgia

Get Fentanyl Detox and Rehab Options in GA at Ingrained Recovery

Fentanyl addiction is a serious condition that is reaching epidemic proportions. Facing your addiction alone is a daunting process, especially given the severity of early withdrawal symptoms. You or a loved one may already be all too familiar with the challenges getting clean can pose.

If so, you should consider a reputable medical detox and rehab. But where should you turn for effective, proven fentanyl treatment in Georgia?

At Ingrained Recovery in Eastman, Georgia our caring team crafts a customized treatment plan for every client in our program. When you are ready to improve your life and live sober, you need an experienced team that understands what you are going through.

Keep reading to learn more about our fentanyl treatment offerings, and remember you can call directly at any time to let our luxury rehab verify your insurance benefits and start you on the path to healing today!

Find the Right Fentanyl Addiction Treatment - Convenient to Georgia

Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms

Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms in the Early Days of Recovery

What can you expect from the early days after you abuse fentanyl? As you are likely aware, fentanyl (or ‘fetty’) is a synthetic opioid that is more powerful than other drugs such as heroin. When it comes to pain relief, it is substantially more powerful than most mainstream narcotics.

Its high potency is what triggers addiction, and can also quickly lead to accidental overdose deaths. If you are considering getting help, we applaud you and also suggest that it is the perfect time to get support to avoid overdose and long-term effects.

The First Stages of a Typical Fentanyl Withdrawal Timeline

In the early days, getting sober can mean you might have some discomfort from withdrawals during medical detox as this potent opioid leaves your body.

These are some of the uncomfortable and problematic symptoms, often referred to as being ‘dope sick’:

  • Severe pain and aches in the muscles or bones
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Irritability or low mood
  • Chills, goosebumps, and sweating
  • Runny nose and teary eyes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

In addition to the early symptoms that surface in fentanyl rehab, you are also very likely to experience strong cravings for more drug use. This is why a medical detox and attending a proven residential treatment center are so important. It offers a safe and supportive environment for you to heal from fentanyl.

Withdrawal symptoms can last for days to weeks, depending on your experience using the drug. This is why it is so important to seek medical attention in the early days when you have a history of fentanyl abuse.

Getting Help for Fentanyl Abuse at Our Luxury Treatment Center

If you know you will experience any of the above withdrawal symptoms, it’s important to enroll in a fentanyl treatment program that is the right fit for you. Ingrained Recovery offers the supportive environment necessary to bridge your way from substance abuse and into successfully living sober.

We offer some of these evidence-based therapies in our addiction treatment programs to set you up for success.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in One-on-One Sessions

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has long been supported as an effective component of a fentanyl addiction treatment program. Research supports it both as monotherapy and in combination with other therapies. Much of the work will be done in individual therapy with a licensed counselor who specializes in addiction treatment.

CBT examines the connection between your thoughts, feelings, and actions. The idea is that you can interrupt the action of substance use by arresting your thoughts and feelings early in the cycle. Every action is viewed as the culmination of your thoughts and feelings.

Fentanyl Treatment

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Group Therapy Sessions

In addition to cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is another therapy we can implement for fentanyl abuse. This focuses on the mindset of having a “clear mind” where you can view thoughts with no judgment. Your thoughts and feelings are neither good nor bad.

Dismissing the negative connotations of your thoughts makes it less likely that you will act on them.

DBT is also commonly used with co-occurring mental health disorders. You may study dialectical behavioral therapy in one-on-one counseling or as part of a group therapy program. The same skills are taught at both levels. Group therapy allows you to interact with your peers and learn from them as well.

Medication-Assisted Treatment for Fentanyl Addiction

In addition to therapeutic interventions, you may also benefit from medication-assisted therapy which should only happen under the care of a medical professional. There are several types of prescriptions that our doctors at Ingrained Recovery can offer you to help ease you off of a fentanyl addiction.

With some of these prescriptions on board, it can allow you to focus more fully on other aspects of your treatment. You will often be far more comfortable with these prescriptions and some medical help. It can minimize the effects of withdrawal symptoms. Plus, you will have access to an around-the-clock nursing staff.

Medication-assisted treatment usually starts in our medical detox program and segues into residential fentanyl treatment.

Alternative Therapies for Holistic Healing

Art Therapy

Other complementary therapies can also assist you in healing from fentanyl addiction. It is just as important to engage creativity and the body as it is to engage the mind in therapy. Ingrained Recovery also offers ancillary therapies that can teach you to engage with new coping skills.

For example, you may have yoga therapy as part of your treatment options. Early studies are showing that yoga can decrease substance use and reduce the cravings that surface in the first days of sober living. Getting your body moving through yoga and exercise in general is beneficial for both mind and body.

However, we also offer art therapy and music therapy. This can teach you important skills that you can then implement when you are discharged from the program. Art and music therapy have a long history of being used in addiction treatment, and we harness the power of these treatment options at Ingrained Recovery.

Find Effective Detox and Addiction Treatment in Georgia Now

Medical Detox to Kickstart Fentanyl Addiction

What are the Levels of Care for Fentanyl Addiction Treatment?

While there are several types of treatment you might encounter in our rehab in Georgia, there are also different levels of treatment you can enroll in at Ingrained Recovery. From inpatient to outpatient, you have the flexibility to enroll in treatment that works for you.

Medical Detox to Kickstart Your Fentanyl Addiction Treatment

The first few days sober should be spent in our fentanyl detox center. Here, you will have 24/7 care to ensure that you do not experience dangerous withdrawal symptoms. We will provide you with medical care from our nursing staff, psychiatrists, and doctors.

It also makes it more likely that you will stick with the recovery process for relapse prevention and can prevent fatal overdoses. Plus, we will help you have access to medication that can help with some of the side effects like nausea, vomiting, or insomnia.

Our Residential Treatment Center Programs in Georgia

At Ingrained Recovery, we allow you to transition from medical detox to residential care. This is an important point of the path to recovery from this synthetic opioid. Having a break from the pressures of daily life and focusing on your long-term recovery is a crucial piece of setting you up for success.

You will live in our luxury rehab in Georgia for thirty to ninety days, participating in our intensive care program. We will provide every comfort that you might need in a safe environment where you can stick with your fentanyl detox.

Outpatient Programs to Transition Back to Real Life

Being in residential is a great way to kickstart your recovery, but our partial hospitalization program helps you to transition back to your everyday life. You get the same support you received in inpatient during the day and return to sleep in your bed at home each night.

There are two general levels of outpatient: intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization. Partial hospitalization is more comprehensive and allows you to spend a full day in the center. On the other hand, intensive outpatient meets for several hours a week and gives you more freedom and flexibility.

Come and go from our rehab in Georgia to experience the best the area has to offer.

This gives you access to your loved ones and your support system before you transition to a lower level of care with traditional outpatient. You can explore the beautiful surrounding Georgia area and participate in sober living activities.

Get Solutions and Find Help at Ingrained Recovery Now

Get Effective Fentanyl Treatment Support at Ingrained Recovery

Are you ready to seek help for your fentanyl abuse? It’s time to let the professionals at Ingrained Recovery guide you to getting clean and sober in a lasting way.

No matter what level of treatment plans you might want, our team can offer you comprehensive treatment tailored to your unique needs and situation. Whatever level of care you require, our fentanyl addiction treatment center can help you or your loved one overcome drug abuse.

Allow our warm and welcoming admissions team to verify your insurance with a confidential phone call. Let us help you start feeling better today!


  1. Luba, R., Jones, J., Choi, C. J., & Comer, S. (2023). Fentanyl withdrawal: Understanding symptom severity and exploring the role of body mass index on withdrawal symptoms and clearance. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 118(4), 719–726.
  2. McHugh, R. K., Hearon, B. A., & Otto, M. W. (2010). Cognitive behavioral therapy for substance use disorders. The Psychiatric clinics of North America, 33(3), 511–525.
  3. Dimeff, L. A., & Linehan, M. M. (2008). Dialectical behavior therapy for substance abusers. Addiction science & clinical practice, 4(2), 39–47.
  4. Kuppili, P. P., Parmar, A., Gupta, A., & Balhara, Y. P. S. (2018). Role of Yoga in Management of Substance-use Disorders: A Narrative Review. Journal of neurosciences in rural practice, 9(1), 117–122.
  5. Aletraris, L., Paino, M., Edmond, M. B., Roman, P. M., & Bride, B. E. (2014). The use of art and music therapy in substance abuse treatment programs. Journal of addictions nursing, 25(4), 190–196.