Can You Go to Rehab on Probation in Georgia

Can You Go to Rehab on Probation in Georgia (or Elsewhere)?

A Resource and Guidance on Attending Rehab While on Probation

The I-75 and I-20 corridors have created a step spike in drug-related crime in Georgia, warns a report by the National Drug Intelligence Center. These major interstates offer ease of access and plenty of cars where traffickers can blend in, making them attractive for moving illicit drugs.

This situation has also led to a spike in substance abuse issues, drug-related offenses, and jail time.

When trying to avoid additional the most severe of legal consequences, many ask: Can you go to rehab on probation in Georgia?

Ingrained Recovery is an upscale rehab facility in Eastman, Georgia, about 2 hours from Atlanta. Although we are a 50-acre drug rehab center, we are not immune to drug-related crimes. Even small towns have seen an increase in drugs and addiction.

We support programs that allow a non-violent offender to get help with substance abuse instead of prison time.

Like many states, Georgia offers court-ordered rehab program offerings and other mental health treatment options. Keep reading to learn what we know about how a treatment program can help stop people from re-offending and get addicted individuals the treatment they need.

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Who Qualifies for Court-Ordered Rehab and Probation Instead of Incarceration?

The Georgia Department of Community Supervision and Georgia courts must follow specific guidance when considering someone for court-ordered treatment. They include:

  • Non-violent crimes: Misdemeanors or felonies must be nonviolent. Possession of a controlled substance falls under this guideline in many cases.
  • First-time offenders: Those without a past criminal history are more likely to receive a recovery program after a drug offense than someone who has had past opportunities at probation or parole and then re-offended. Prison inmates are a poor influence on those without a criminal past; placing someone at a treatment center for help makes them less likely to offend again But prison time makes them more likely to become entangled in the legal system.
  • Alcohol/drug abuse or mental health issues: Those whose crimes are a direct result of drug use, addiction, or other mental health concerns often receive an order to attend rehab. A judge will view this opportunity as a chance to change their behaviors by providing access to treatment specialists.
  • Willingness to participate in addiction treatment: Those selected for drug addiction treatment and parole programs must want to work on changing for the better. If they resist learning new life skills, they cannot heal from their drug abuse.
  • Judge discretion about an individual situation: In some cases, judges can use discretion to order drug addiction treatment instead of jail at the person’s court date. They’ll look at case specifics, the benefits of rehabilitation, and any further information they find relevant.

Offenders must meet these guidelines to qualify for court-ordered rehab instead of serving jail time.

Four Benefits of Choosing Substance Abuse Treatment Over Jail

Benefits of Choosing Substance Abuse Treatment Over Jail

Entering rehab instead of going to prison after a drug-related crime can have a positive impact on staying sober, housing, employment, and healthy relationships. Here is how court-ordered probation or parole can help:

1. Going to a Rehab Facility Reduces Chances of Becoming a Re-offender

Rehab programs address the root causes of legal issues, such as mental illness and childhood trauma. When people learn more about these underlying factors, they can develop the resilience tools to learn to overcome them healthily. That means no reliance on drug use.

2. Court-ordered Drug Rehab Builds Life Skills

Some of Georgia’s rehab program centers also offer vocational or educational opportunities. They graduate sober and with the skills needed to obtain a good job, health insurance, and participate in society.

3. Less Stress on the Probation Officer

Probation officers and parole departments both have very stressful jobs. They enjoy seeing the treatment progress firsthand. Many express a sense of joy when they see program graduates complete probation with more self-esteem and free of drug addiction.

4. Avoids Overwhelming the Legal System

The drug abuse crisis in Georgia has put tremendous strain on the entire legal system, from overworked public defenders and prosecutors to judges and court clerks.

Allowing someone to go to rehab while on probation frees up the system to focus on more severe crimes, such as domestic violence, human trafficking, or other gang activity.

Georgia Probation and Parole Addiction Treatment Program Options

Residential Substance Abuse Treatment

Before digging into this section, let’s explain two terms that may be unfamiliar to some.

A probation period is a set time when someone has appeared before a judge and avoids jail time by completing specific steps. These can include seeking addiction treatment at a licensed rehab center, community service, or keeping gainful employment.

A probation officer is one of many types of police officers. In this case, they supervise the progress of people who receive a probation sentence.

Treatment for Parole Clients in Georgia

On the other hand, parole is when someone has already served at least part of a jail sentence. However, they may qualify for an early release for certain reasons. They submit to parole supervision. Like probation, parole means complying with clearly defined rules.

It usually means no failed drug test results, community service or employment, or attending community-based 12-step programs or group therapy.

Georgia’s programs are designed to be very flexible. In some cases, programs may serve the probation or parole needs of the GA courts.

Two of the most utilized programs are:

  • Day Reporting Centers (DRCs): These centers provide counseling and education and help probationers avoid relapse once they are clean and sober.
  • Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Programs: Whether on probation or parole, this treatment center offers more intensive support for the highest-risk parolees or probationers. The treatment center supports alcohol or drug rehab, helps prevent relapse, and helps offenders learn the life skills that will keep them sober after leaving the rehab program.

Those with no prior criminal record and access to private or group health insurance may plead to go to rehab centers of their choice. Some judges grant this request, especially on lower-level offenses.

They understand that sober people access better things later in life – and that the desire to do better can be a deterrent to future criminal behavior.

What Happens if a Probation Violation Occurs?

Probation Violation

Several things may happen when rehab-while-on-probation violations occur. The probation or parole officer must report the rehab program/probation violation to the court for a hearing. The outcomes may vary:

For a technical violation, such as forgetting an appointment with the probation officer or missing a payment on a fine, the probationer usually receives a warning or reprimand. On a second technical violation, the court may add more restrictions to the conditions of the person’s probation.

If a more severe violation occurs, such as committing another crime or participating in gang activity, the court will revoke the probation or parole. That means a return to the original sentence or even added jail time.

Judges have great latitude. They may add fines, community service hours, or mandate a return to a treatment facility, especially if the probation violation ties back to a relapse.

Up To 100% of Rehab Covered By Insurance

Find Help At Ingrained Recovery

Call Ingrained for an Effective Recovery Program

If you or a loved one is trying to avoid jail and is asking for rehab while on probation, we can help. Seeking treatment is always a brave step, and we will be glad to coordinate check-ins with a probation or parole officer while at our treatment facility.

You will do more than “go to rehab” at Ingrained. You’ll learn the causes of your addiction and receive evidence-based treatment to heal it. You’ll also learn the secrets of relapse prevention and how to have a clean, safe, sober life. You’ll not need to worry about whether you’ll pass the next probation board drug test – with our help, you’ll pass every drug test with flying colors.

Call Ingrained Recovery today for help with rehab while on probation. All calls are confidential, so please reach out for support today!