Rehabs that Accept GHI Insurance

Getting Help With EmblemHealth Insurance at Ingrained

If you or a loved one needs treatment services to overcome substance abuse and are covered by Emblem, you are likely on the lookout for rehabs that accept GHI Insurance. Looking for addiction treatment services is a sign that you are ready to take a leap of faith in yourself and end the nightmare struggles of substance abuse.

As a part of the EmblemHealth Insurance family, your GHI benefits put you in an excellent position.

Ingrained Recovery, an upscale ranch rehab setting in Eastman, Georgia, offers personalized treatment plans like few others across the US. Our best-kept secret? An excellent equine therapy program. Our forms of horse therapy allows people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction to work with our horses as part of their treatment services.

Read on to learn about how rehabs covered by EmblemHealth Insurance offer you a wide range of treatment services covered. We’ll also discuss how we can help you apply your benefits to the mental health and substance use disorder treatment services at Ingrained Recovery.

Get Effective Treatment Programs at Ingrained Recovery

GHI Insurance Covers Addiction Treatment

About GHI Insurance and Emblem Health

Emblem Health is a New York City-based insurance company. The company provides a variety of health insurance plans, including individual and family policies and employee benefits.

They operate through their subsidiary companies, HIP Health Plan of New York and Group Health Incorporate, GHI.

GHI Insurance Covers Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment Services

Many mistakenly think that mental health treatment services are not covered by EmblemHealth Insurance or their partner, GHI Insurance. In the all-too-recent past, that statement would have been true.

However, things have come a long way, thanks to two ground-breaking pieces of federal legislation: the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) of 2010, which made an addiction treatment program an essential health benefit.

Both leveled the playing field for people in need of treatment for mental health disorders, including substance use disorders. The 2008 law mandated insurance companies to offer coverage for mental health equal to medical and surgical benefits.

The 2010 ACA included an enforcement mechanism to force non-compliant insurance companies to include the required substance abuse disorder coverage: Any insurer not complying with the law would not be allowed to offer services on the ACA’s Health Insurance Marketplace, possibly missing out on the opportunity to write policies for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

GHI Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Services

You might wonder, “What mental health treatment programs are covered by EmblemHealth and GHI?”

Your EmblemHealth Insurance benefits potentially cover a broad spectrum of mental illness and substance abuse services, including:

These are just a few of the mental health disorder treatment services rehab centers offer; many others may be covered treatment options.

Understanding Your Drug and Alcohol Rehab Health Insurance Coverage

Now that you have a bird’s eye view of what’s covered by EmblemHealth insurance and GHI, you might want to get a clear understanding of the specifics of your health coverage. But, understanding treatment costs versus treatment covered can boggle the brain.

Remember the discussion earlier about how insurance plans failed to offer equitable treatment for mental health services? These companies have a long history of writing using confusing, lengthy language.

Some terms seem ambiguous and leave you wondering what’s actually covered by your health insurance. That’s not a mistake – it’s deliberate language allowing the insurance company to deflect responsibility back onto the consumer when possible.

Sobriety Motivation Quote

Ingrained Can Help You Make Sense of Your Addiction and Mental Health Coverage

Dealing with your insurance coverage can be triggering for anyone in search of addiction treatment. Instead of calling or chatting online with Emblem Health and waiting endlessly for answers to your questions about insurance coverage, let the expert admissions team at Ingrained lend you a helping hand.

Call our staff with your questions, and watch us spring into action and go to work to obtain the most benefits possible. With one quick, confidential call, we will take charge from there. We’ll call to explain your behavioral health needs to GHI and help you obtain the maximum coverage with the lowest out-of-pocket costs, if any.

Get Proven Detox and Rehab Options at Ingrained

Provide Information for EmblemHealth Insurance Plan

Provide Information to Us for Help With Your EmblemHealth Insurance Plan or GHI

When you reach out to us to receive help with determining your level of EmblemHealth Insurance coverage, we will ask you for a few pieces of personal information.

Please have the following information ready, most of which comes directly from your health insurance membership card:

  • Your basic contact information (name, street address, phone number, email address)
  • Date of birth of the person receiving treatment
  • The group health ID number (if an employer or group health plan)
  • Your health insurance policy or member ID number

These basic pieces of data will be safe and secure with us in strict accordance with your HIPAA rights.

How Insurers Approve Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

What makes your insurer decide what level of addiction care you need? They sometimes approve inpatient rehab programs (residential programs) but approve intensive outpatient programs or partial hospitalization programs for others who need care.

All insurance policies, including GHI and Emblem Health, consider numerous factors before covering treatment. When you call Ingrained with your insurance data, our staff member will ask you a few additional questions.

We Make the Case for Addiction Treatment Services to Emblem Health for You

We’ll need to share your lived experiences with drug and alcohol use with Emblem Health. That requires having a quick discussion with you about your need for addiction treatment. Remember, we share a common goal: to get treatment covered at our drug and alcohol rehab center.

The questions we ask can be difficult to discuss. But rest assured, they are necessary to help leverage your insurance benefits.

The better we understand where you are right now, the better we can explain your need for outpatient treatment vs. inpatient treatment to the insurer.

Questions our insurance specialists may ask can include:

Your Past Efforts to Get Clean and Sober at a Rehab Facility

Residential behavioral health treatment

Did you try inpatient and residential programs or an outpatient treatment facility? How long-lasting was the sobriety? What led to a relapse?

These questions reveal two important things. First, you have demonstrated a willingness to go to a drug and alcohol rehab center seeking treatment. Second, understanding the level of care and its effectiveness helps decide the appropriate level of care – inpatient or outpatient treatment.

For example, imagine you went to a partial hospitalization program for alcohol treatment. After you left the rehab center, you stayed sober for five months before a relapse into alcohol abuse. This scenario may suggest that you require a higher intensity treatment setting this time, like a residential behavioral health treatment program that will be more comprehensive.

Your Current Relationship With Alcohol or Drug Abuse

Are you currently using alcohol or drugs? What is your drug of choice? How often and how much do you use?

We need to design a program that meets you where you are right now; the insurance company must decide whether they’ll approve outpatient or inpatient treatment. Giving them a clear picture of your current treatment center needs will help them move forward and cover treatment.

Consider a person who has an active addiction to methamphetamine, someone who injects high doses several times daily using a shared needle. The insurance company will weigh the cost of inpatient and residential programs versus the cost of an overdose or possibly high physical health costs due to infections after sharing needles.

In that case, they may approve inpatient programs over outpatient treatment to lessen the chances of other possible health complications that could result from the person’s drug and alcohol addiction.

Your Current Mental Health State

How has substance abuse impacted your life? What makes you seek treatment now? Have you engaged in self-harm or considered suicide to end your struggles? Do you require other mental health services to cover co-occurring disorders?

These questions give us an idea about your current mental state and place you in the safest rehab center. These questions are especially important when deciding to approve behavioral health inpatient programs, in an intensive setting.

The Capacity to Address Co-occurring Disorders

Rehabs that Accept GHI Insurance

Ingrained Recovery, like many reputable rehab centers, provides dual diagnosis and mental health treatment services in addition to treating substance use disorders. Our addiction treatment services address the internal turmoil along with providing drug or alcohol addiction treatment.

Imagine a young adult who wants to use their insurance benefits for substance abuse treatment. They call drug and alcohol rehab centers with no luck. They finally reach Ingrained Recovery, who asks these questions, learning that the client is cutting and using heroin from street dealers.

Recognizing the imminent danger and the probable presence of a mental illness, the admissions rep works with Emblem Health to approve an emergency admission and immediate medical detoxification at our inpatient treatment center.

Your Current Living Situation

Where do you currently live? Who do you live with? Is it a sober environment? Are you safe from physical harm at night?

These last questions can rule out an intensive outpatient program in favor of a residential rehab facility. Emblem Health Insurance plans may look at someone with insecure or unsafe housing as a high priority for addiction treatment.

For instance, you might consider a young adult whose parents kicked them out of the house at 19. The person has lived in their car for over a year, with an ever-increasing reliance on illicit drugs to cope with the pain of being ousted by their loved ones.

They were assaulted and robbed several times while living in the car. The local shelters have no available spots. This person is not a likely candidate for outpatient programs, as they have little chance of sobriety outside of rehab centers.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By GHI

Call Ingrained for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Covered by GHI

If you are ready to see for yourself how dual-diagnosis addiction treatment can help you turn your life around, give us a call. The Ingrained Recovery admissions team will help you understand what’s covered by Emblem Health. We’ll also give you peace of mind by calling GHI/Emblem to get any rehab pre-authorization.

After you arrive, our staff of licensed clinicians and therapists will treat you with dignity and respect. The addiction care you receive from us will be personalized to meet your needs, evidence-based, and effective.

If you are the loved one of someone looking for rehab centers, rest assured that our rehab team takes great pride in helping your special someone stop using drugs and alcohol. They are in kind, capable hands at Ingrained.

Give us a call today; we’re always available to help you start the rehab pre-authorization process.